New Blood - (2016) - Netflix

TV Shows

Two 20-something investigators struggling to make ends meet in London take on wealthy corporations, organizations and politicos hiding deadly secrets.

Director: -
Cast: Mandana Jones, Aiysha Hart, Ben Tavassoli, Mark Strepan, Matt Bardock, Mark Addy, Anna Chancellor, Rachel Palmer, Mark Bonnar, Ariyon Bakare, Dorian Lough, Kimberley Nixon
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Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 2017-08-01
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Synopsis Six years after a sinister drugs trial in India goes horribly wrong, a young teacher is found dead. Two investigators - trainee Detective Constable Arrash 'Rash' Sayyad and junior Serious Fraud Office investigator Stefan Kowolski - are separately drawn in, investigating different strands of the same case under the watch of their respective bosses, DS Derek Sands and Eleanor Davies. As a war begins to rage between two major pharmaceutical companies and with two hit-women on their trail, Rash and Stefan's paths unexpectedly cross, forcing them to join together to uncover the truth.

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