Ku'damm 56 - (2016) - Netflix

TV Shows

Generations clash when the feisty daughter of a dance studio owner defies her mother's wishes and embraces the fight for gender equality in the 1950s.

Director: -
Cast: Hansi Jochmann, Steffen Jurgens, Markus Boysen, Emanuela von Frankenberg, Maria Ehrich, Sonja Gerhardt, Anne Werner, August Wittgenstein, Trystan Putter, Sabin Tambrea, Martina Schone-Radunski, Robert Schupp, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Steve Windolf, Katharina Schuttler, Paula Kober, Emilia Schule, Claudia Michelsen, Heino Ferch, Ferdinand Dorfler
Netflix Rating:
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 2017-12-15
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Synopsis Caterina Schöllack runs a dance school in Berlin in 1956. It is her goal to give her three daughters the best possible opportunity, meaning to ensure that they marry well, but until then keeping the young women on a tight leash. The three sisters are doing their best to live up to their mother's expectations and future stifling conventions. It is not without cost, and one sister discovers rock'n'roll, through which she finds the courage to rebel to try find her own way in life.

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