3 Generations - (2015) - Netflix

1h32m - Dramas

When teenage Ray begins transitioning from female to male, his single mom and grandmother must cope with the change while tracking down his father.

Director: Gaby Dellal
Cast: Elle Fanning, Naomi Watts, Susan Sarandon, Tate Donovan, Linda Emond
Netflix Rating:
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 2017-08-28
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Synopsis Family living under one roof in New York must deal with a life-changing transformation by one that ultimately affects them all. Ray is a teenager who has come to the realization that he isn't meant to be a girl and has decided to transition from female to male. His single mother, Maggie, must track down Ray's biological father to get his legal consent to allow Ray's transition. Dolly, Ray's lesbian grandmother, is having a hard time accepting that she now has a grandson. They must each confront their own identities and learn to embrace change and their strength as a family in order to ultimately find acceptance and understanding.

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