Madame Doubtfire - (1993) - Netflix

125 m - Comedies

Sous le coup d'une décision de justice ne lui accordant qu'une visite parentale par semaine, un père se déguise en nounou pour passer plus de temps avec ses enfants.

Director: Chris Columbus
Cast: Robin Williams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan, Harvey Fierstein, Polly Holliday, Lisa Jakub, Matthew Lawrence, Mara Wilson, Robert Prosky, Anne Haney
Netflix Rating:
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 13/10/2014
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Synopsis Eccentric actor Daniel Hillard is an amusing and caring father. But after a disastrous birthday party for his son, Daniel's wife Miranda draws the line and files a divorce. He can see his three children only once a week which doesn't sit well with him. Daniel also holds a job at a TV studio as a shipping clerk under the recommendation of his liason. But when Miranda puts out an ad for a housekeeper, Daniel takes it upon himself to make a disguise as a Scottish lady named Mrs Doubtfire. And Daniel must also deal with Miranda's new boyfriend Stu Dunemyer.

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