Snuf de Hond en de Jacht op Vliegende Volckert - (2008) - Netflix


Samen met Snuf gaan Tom en Mirjam op onderzoek uit. Vlakbij het moeras komen ze jachtopziener Grevendonk tegen die beweert door een spook in de val te zijn gelokt.

Director: Steven de Jong
Cast: Tom van Kalmthout, Vivian van Huiden, Rense Westra, Sanneke Bos, Malte Huthoff, Steven de Jong, Bas Muijs, Wim Serlie
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Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 15-05-2015
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Synopsis Bouke tells Tom and Mirjam about the legend of 'Flying Volckert' who used to harass everyone in the village in the past. Together with their dog Snuf, Tom and Mirjam decide to investigate the story. Near the swamp they encounter gamekeeper Grevendonk who's caught in a bear trap and swears it was Flying Volckert. When inexplicable things start happening in the village, the village people decide to take matters into their own hands and together with the local police they start looking in the swamp.

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