Das Boot: Director's Cut - (1981) - Netflix

208 m - Foreign Movies

Nominated for six Oscars, this edge-of-your-seat dramatic triumph follows the trials of a German U-boat crew during World War II. Upon its restored re-release in 1997, an hour was added to the original film, which further augmented its impact. It also played as a six-hour German miniseries. In all its forms, the realistic and gripping battle scenes and palpable human struggle make Das Boot a critical hit.

Director: Wolfgang Petersen
Cast: Jürgen Prochnow, Klaus Wennemann, Herbert Gronemeyer, Hubertus Bengsch, Martin Semmelrogge, Bernd Tauber, Erwin Leder, Martin May, Heinz Hoenig, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Jurgen Prochnow, Jan Fedder, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Joachim Bernhard, Oliver Stritzel, Ralf Richter, JÁ¼rgen Prochnow
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Available Since: 01 Mar 2014
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Synopsis It is 1942 and the German submarine fleet is heavily engaged in the so-called 'Battle of the Atlantic' to harass and destroy British shipping. With better escorts of the destroyer class, however, German U-boats have begun to take heavy losses. 'Das Boot' is the story of the crew of one such U-Boat, with the film examining how these submariners maintained their professionalism as soldiers and attempted to accomplish impossible missions, all the while attempting to understand and obey the ideology of the government under which they served.

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