Hyde Park on Hudson - (2012) - Netflix


President Franklin Roosevelt must deal with his official duties as well as the competing interests of his mother, his wife and his mistresses.

Director: Roger Michell
Cast: Laura Linney, Bill Murray, Elizabeth Wilson, Samuel West, Olivia Williams, Eleanor Bron, Elizabeth Marvel, Olivia Colman
Netflix Rating:
Rotten Tomatoes Score: 0/100
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Available Since: 01 May 2015
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Synopsis In 1930s Hudson Valley, Margaret 'Daisy' Suckley is reacquainted with her distant cousin, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to help him relax at his family estate. That aid soon develops into much more as they become lovers. That puts Daisy in a unique position as Roosevelt receives the King and Queen of Britain in 1939 for a visit. As the Royal couple copes with the President's oddly plebeian arrangements, Daisy learns that there is far more to Roosevelt's life than she realized. With the world about to be set ablaze by war, friendships are struck and perspectives are gained on that special weekend that would make all the difference with a great, but very human, president.

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